Reducing Energy Consumption for a Happier Planet and Healthier Bank Balance

With the the threat of climate change more prevalent than ever, making every step we can towards sustainability is crucial. There are so many small changes we can make that can have a big difference on the planet, such as the way we travel, the food we eat and the energy we use. In this blog, we’ll explore the ways in which you can reduce your electricity consumption in your home. As renters, we can’t necessarily add solar panels to our roofs, but there are small things we can do to help. Taking steps to reduce your energy consumption in your rental property is not only good for the environment, but it’s also good for your bank balance…win-win!

  1. Heating: The winter months are creeping in and so is the cold weather, so you’ll definitely be using your heating a lot more than smart with it! Not at home? Turn your heating off! Are you going to be sitting in the living room all evening? Turn off the radiators in rooms that you’re not using. Does your thermostat need to be at 24 degrees? Turn it down a degree or two - your body won’t feel the difference but your bank balance will! Doors wide open? Keep them closed to keep the heat in. Is your furniture blocking your radiator? It’s time to re-arrange. Heating is one of the most expensive utility bills, so being clever with your usage can help your wallet as well as your carbon foot print.
  2. Devices and Appliances: Ever heard of ‘phantom power’? Common household appliances such as kettles, toasters, microwaves and TV’s consume energy even when they are not in use. Any electrical item that is plugged into a socket will be using electricity in the background when in ‘stand-by’ mode, wasting energy and costing you unnecessary pennies! Take the time to turn off the switches of your sockets and unplug your household appliances when you are not using them.
  3. Lighting: Now that the clocks have gone back and the days are shorter and darker, we’ll be turning on the lights in our homes more often. Switching to energy saving lightbulbs can make a big difference to your energy consumption as they use less electricity and last much longer than a standard bulb, thus contributing to a reduction in the number of incandescent lightbulbs that end up in landfill. You should also ensure you are only switching on the light in rooms that you are using and that you are turning them all off when leaving the house.
  4. Washing and Drying: Washing machines and tumble dryers are big culprits for using a high amount of energy. Of course, they are necessary appliances, but there are ways in which we can be smarter with our laundry to help reduce our carbon footprint as well as the electricity bill. Ensure you are washing a full load of clothes and not just a few items at a time as smaller loads use more water and more electricity. If your washing machine and tumble dryer have an eco setting, be sure to select this before pressing the start button. If you can do so, avoid using your tumble dryer where possible. Instead, use a maiden to dry your clothes and be sure to crack open a window ever so slightly to let the moisture escape.

Saving electricity isn’t just about cutting costs, it’s also about taking care of the planet. Let’s make these small changes together for a healthier bank balance and a happier planet!

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